Kids Bathroom

Kid-Friendly Bathroom Design Tips

From bubble bath splashing to teeth brushing and handwashing, a kid’s bathroom should be a place that is designed for accessibility as well as fun. Learn how to create a bathroom space that is perfect for your littlest family members, but still practical for the family budget with these tips!

Room To Grow

While many people may be tempted to build or remodel a kid’s bathroom with short vanities, toddler-sized toilets, and adorable baby themes, it is important to remember how fast those little ones grow up. Unless you plan to completely redo your child’s bathroom every few years, stick with design concepts that provide room to grow. Regular sized fixtures can be accessed using simple solutions like steps or stools, and a neutral colored paint choice can be paired with different accessory choices that can be changed as kids grow older.

Lots of Storage

Just as bedrooms and playrooms require kid-friendly storage options for organizing the many toys and activity items that live there, bathrooms should be adequately designed to keep all of your children’s toiletries in order too. Things to consider include a hamper, a mesh or breathable storage option for drying and keeping bath time toys in, and various countertop or vanity storage options for hair brushes and accessories, teeth brushing gear, and other bath items.

Easy To Clean

Let’s face it, kids make messes. So when choosing the elements of your kid’s bathroom, be sure to take into consideration how easy they are to clean before making your final decision. For painted walls, consider semi-gloss or satin finishes instead of flat or eggshell since they are easier to wipe and scrub. Water resistant flooring that is easy to mop or clean makes a great choice, as do darker colored vanities that don’t stain as quickly. Even toilet seats come in varieties that make cleanups simple.

Durability & Safety

A final thing to consider when designing your kid-friendly bathroom is durability and safety. While some elements of a bathroom may be just fine for use by an adult, they may not be durable enough or provide safety features for children. Granite and quartz, for example, are tough stones that can withstand the wear and tear of such a populated area. Other areas to consider include faucets that regulate water temperature from being too hot, mirrors that are shatterproof if broken, vanity doors and drawers that close quietly, and towel and toilet paper holders that anchor more securely into the wall.

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