Checkerboard Pattern Tile

Your Guide to Checkerboard Marble Flooring

Marble floors are rich and elegant; cool and durable. If you are looking for a creative style that draws the eye and gives your space a grandiose feel, look no further than checkerboard marble flooring. Aptly named after the board game, checkerboard marble flooring refers to a floor style in which two different…

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Design Trends We’re Looking Forward To in 2018

Last year held many home design favorites such as minimalistic decor, sleek marble, and jewel tones. Home design lovers can still unite, because 2018 is bringing in new home trends that will have some bounding for joy. This year home design is taking inspiration from natural materials such as marble and granite stone,…


Your Guide to Sealing Your Natural Stone

There are many benefits to using natural stone for your counters, backsplashes, and floors. Using natural stone such as marble or granite offers you a wide variety of design options that will match any style. Natural stone also guarantees a high-quality product that is durable, versatile, and reliable. Great for use in and…