Rafael Manduley

Rafael Manduley

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Checkered Flooring - Laundry Room

What to Consider When Choosing Flooring Color

Whether your room is open and large or small and cozy often makes a difference in choosing the best flooring color. Light hues, for example, often open up a small space and give it the feel of being larger. On the other hand, darker, earthy color choices for the floor can make a large and cold room feel warmer and more intimate.

Determining the Right Kitchen Layout for Your Remodel

Determining the Right Kitchen Layout for Your Remodel

Your kitchen is the hub of activity in your home, so having the luxury of designing how you want this space to flow is an important task. Function, food, and friends – these are the three F’s to consider when remodeling your kitchen. Why? Because the style and kitchen layout will determine how you’re going…